How to: find out what’s going on in the Chinese web

James Sangalli
1 min readMay 16, 2021

Most people nowadays are aware that the Chinese internet is heavily censored with western internet giants such as Google, facebook and Twitter inaccessible to those on the mainland (except when they use a VPN).

While the Chinese firewalled internet is not secret and fully accessible to those outside China; few have the tools to discover what is going on over there and what is trending. When I am curious about what is popular in China, I am often relying on second hand sources that may add their own interpretation and/or bias to the information being put out and I wanted a way to get a curated view of the top trends behind the iron curtain.

That’s why I created, a website that allows you to see what’s popular on the Chinese web in your native language.

Watch this space!

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